"I am the Way, the Truth, the Life."
Welcome to St Andrew's Church
“I am the Way, the Truth, the Life.”
The gift of life is for living. With all life’s wonder, delight and challenges we encounter, here at St Andrew’s faith community we aim to encourage one another in living out our individual and corporate lives together in the best way in which we believe God calls us. Thank you for taking the time to explore possibilities and services on our website. We hope that it may encourage you to continue and enrich your own life’s journey.
We hope you will join us for worship at St Andrew’s and if you have never been before, we understand that you may be a little nervous when you come for the first time. We are a friendly community and we hope you will feel welcome.
The 9.30am service has singing, accompanied by the organ. It is a traditional communion service in modern English. This is the most common form of worship throughout the Anglican Communion. A children’s ministry is generally offered during the service for children to attend, except during the School holidays.

Rev'd Tracey Gracey

St Andrew’s aims to be a friendly, welcoming Christian community, and like Saint Andrew in the Bible, we want to make a difference for God.
Read more about St Andrew’s Church
“Be happy in your hope, stand your ground when you’re in trouble,
and devote yourselves to prayer”
Romans 12:12