Baptisms at St Andrew’s Church Walkerville


The significance of Baptisms at St Andrew’s is something we love to share with children or adults who are seeking this important Sacrament. Baptisms or Christenings as they are sometime called,  may be in the regular Sunday service, or after discussing with the Parish Priest, be organised at another time and day. If you do book a baptism, there may be others who share the same service with you; if this does occur it reflects the sense of entering God’s family and the meaning regarding whatever age we are we become brothers and sisters in Christ.  Although the true cost of baptism is paid for by Jesus Christ with his death and resurrection, a donation is appreciated which helps to finance our ongoing Children’s Ministry Program.  For enquiries please phone (08) 8269 5420

Baptism is a sacrament of belonging. It is a celebration of a new beginning in becoming a member of Christ’s body the Church. Baptism immerses us in the new life given to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. When we come for baptism we are saying “yes” to God’s love and desire for us to belong to a community of faith.

Parents or caregivers bring their children for baptism because they want them to be part of the community of faith. Parents or caregivers and godparents make promises on behalf of the children they bring for baptism. They also take on the responsibility of encouraging children in the Christian faith.

The church is to represent a wider family. God provides us companions on the way and we share our faith and our struggles with the community of the Church. In Baptism, the Church reflects God’s welcome!

Parents & Godparents

In bringing a child to be baptised in the Church we seek to give the child something of value which we already have: active membership in the Church and the joy of the Christian life. Children are baptised in response to the faith of their parents who, together with the Godparents, make the Baptismal Promises on behalf of the child.

Godparents have an important part to play in the Christian life and nurture of their godchild. Godparents do not need to be Anglican, but they must be baptised themselves.

Baptism of Adults

Baptism of adults is also welcome. Preparation in this case is more intense because we are preparing the individual for the Christian life, where for baptism of children we begin with faithful parents who will spend a number of years nurturing their children in the Christian faith. For more information about baptism of adults, please contact one of the parish clergy.


Dates for Baptism

Baptism is often celebrated on a Sunday, and can be during the 9.30am Service, or at 11:30 am. Other times sometimes can also arranged.

Please ring the Parish Office, or speak to one of the parish clergy, to discuss available dates and times.

What to do next

  1. You need to fill out an application form, and contact the Parish Office to make an appointment with one of the Parish Clergy.
  2. The application form can be downloaded by clicking here: Application for Infant Baptism
  3. The date and time will then need to be confirmed.
  4. One of the Clergy at St Andrew’s will be in touch with you to guide through the next steps leading to the important celebration.