Baptism is a sacrament of belonging. It is a celebration of a new beginning in becoming a member of Christ’s body the Church. Baptism immerses us in the new life given to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. When we come for baptism we are saying “yes” to God’s love and desire for us to belong to a community of faith.
Parents or caregivers bring their children for baptism because they want them to be part of the community of faith. Parents or caregivers and godparents make promises on behalf of the children they bring for baptism. They also take on the responsibility of encouraging children in the Christian faith.
Funeral Services at St Andrew’s acknowledge the grief with the loss of a loved one, and at the same time the need to honour and give thanks for the life of that loved one. To help this sense of thanksgiving we offer ministry in listening to the wishes of the family and do our best to provide a service which honours and helps say farewell to a loved one. The heritage listed church offers a feeling of a sacred space for family and friends to gather for an important occasion.

St Andrew’s Anglican Church is one of the oldest churches in Adelaide. It has been a worshipping congregation for almost 175 years. During this time, many couples have chosen this church in which to be married. With family and friends, they have begun their new life together.
St Andrew’s church is a sacred place in which people celebrate wonderful and significant moments in their lives. We are delighted that you wish to be married here and we will do whatever we can to ensure your wedding day is a happy and memorable one.