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Walkerville Aged Care

Walkerville aged care facility located at 160 Walkerville Terrace receives monthly Communion Services by one of our Clergy team, Reverend Sam Goodes.

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St Andrew's School

The Parish enjoys a long history with St Andrew’s School which is situated next to the Church.  The children gather once a week for a short worship service which is specially designed for each age group bracket. The Reverend Rachel Chapman is the School Chaplain leading services during school term on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9am. For more information on St Andrew’s School please click here.

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Guardian Magazine

The Guardian Magazine is a magazine with news from around the Parishes, the Diocese and beyond, hard copies are available in the church, or you can go to this site for an electronic version

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Anglicare SA

Anglicare SA was established just over 150 years ago, in 1860. While it retains strong links with the Anglican Church, Anglicare SA Inc operates independently with its own management structure and its own Board of Directors. Through the talent and commitment of staff and volunteers, Anglicare makes a positive difference to the lives of 50,000 elderly, homeless, unemployed and financially disadvantaged people every year.

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St Barnabas' Theological College

Whether it is one subject of interest or a particular course, the St Barnabas Theological College offers quality teaching with class room and distant education via media

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Magdalene Centre

Volunteers from St Andrews provide a 3 course meal for homeless and disadvantaged people at the St. Mary’s Magdalene’s Collective in the city. As a parish, we prepare and serve a Saturday night meal 3 times per year. Meals are prepared by members of the parish and delivered to the Parish Centre on Saturday afternoon and then a small team of helpers take and serve the food in the Hall adjacent to the Mary Magdalene Church in Moore Street, Adelaide.

Mission Support

The Congregation at St Andrew’s gives support to missionary outreach. We have special links with a Church Missionary Society family in Ethiopia. We also support the Bush Church Aid Society, the Anglican Board of Mission, the Christmas Bowl Appeal and other Christian programmes.