St Andrew’s Walkerville is one of the historic Anglican parish churches of Adelaide, founded in 1848. It is a beautiful place of worship and carries significance along with also having founded the neighbouring St Andrew’s School.
Bequests to the parish and donations to St Andrew’s Conservation Appeal are always welcome since we rely on the generosity of our parishioners and supporters for our continued ministry. The regular offertory, which is part of worship services, goes some way towards meeting expenses, but bequests and special donations are important for the longer term planning and sustainability of the parish.
This page is provided to help potential donors with information about ways in which tax-deductible donations can be made. Provision for the parish can be included in your will, through a formal bequest. You may do this in three (3) ways:
Making a tax-deductible donation through the National Trust of South Australia
- Go to
- Choose your donation
- Donate to National Trust – South Australia
- Donation to go to St Andrew’s Church Walkerville Conservation Appeal
- Choose amount
- Enter Personal details
- Enter credit card details
- Choose your donation
All donations to the National Trust of South Australia over $2 are tax deductible. A receipt will be emailed to you. You can also print the receipt at the end of the payment process.
Please note that under taxation law, a tax-deductible gift requires a donor to transfer money voluntarily without the donor or an associate of the donor receiving, or being entitled to receive in return, any material advantage, or compensation (apart from the tax deduction).
- Making provision for St Andrews in your will by contacting the Parish Office for information on 8269 5420
- Direct debit giving